An NYT reader had this to say about today's David Brooks column on the immigration reform bill:
- Projunior
- Tulsa, OK
When will people stop seeing the issue of immigration through the prism of partisan politics? This is not caring, compassionate Democrats against xenophobic, heartless, bigoted Republicans. That's merely the narrative that The Times pushes because it allows them to avoid the indisputable truth that illegal immigrants are but another weapon in the arsenal of the one percenters in their ceaseless war on middle class and working class Americans.
Class War: America's rich vs.America's middle class and working class. Which rich people exactly? Why, wealthy Americans across the entire political spectrum, that's who. All you have to know about the Senate immigration bill crafted by the Gang of Eight is this: Any time Charles Schumer, Bill O'Reilly, David Brooks, Lindsey Graham, and the US Chamber of Commerce can put politics aside and get behind an issue, this ain't Red vs. Blue; this is all about the Green. So spare us the inside-the-Beltway partisan diatribes and instead, as always, follow the money.
Every job done by an illegal immigrant is one less job for the 18 million unemployed and underemployed Americans looking for one. David, from your privileged perch you seem to have a problem facing up to that. And this is where that partisan politics fig leaf comes in so handy.
As a person with legal Mexican immigrants in their family who grew up watching U.S. citizens flee previously-desired occupations like construction as wages and working conditions crashed under the burden of illegal labor, I agree with this.
So does David Frum.